Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Catch & Release

We caught Niko this morning. We set the trap in our neighbors backyard around dinner time yesterday with no luck. Animal control highly suggested not leaving it set overnight b/c the chance of catching a skunk or raccoon would be pretty high.
So, we went over around 10:00 to unset it and it was already unset. Apparently something bumped it and set it off.
This morning around 10:00 we set it again and within 10 minutes, our neighbors were calling us to tell us he had been caught. The trap worked! I couldn't believe it! And so fast!

We had decided that once we caught him, we'd bring him right to the vet before even bringing him in the house. So I called the vet to let them know we'd be heading in and I also wanted to find out about what could be done to check for rabies and other diseases he could have caught. Unfortunately, we think he may be a few months short on his rabies vaccine. And according to the vet, they cannot check for rabies? That sounds odd. Anyone know anything about that?

So, Little A and I throw on our shoes & coats and the phone rings. It's my neighbor. He got out.
Apparently he was going nuts (as expected) in there so our neighbor went to pick up the cage to put it in their sun porch and as he was lifting it, he lifted the little handle that opens the trap door to get the animal out or put the food in. And off he went.
So now the question is, is he smart enough to not go for it again? Or will he get hungry enough and take the bait?

1 comment:

Caitlin Domanico said...

Kimberly~ OH NO! I had tears in my eyes reading your last two entries....I really hope he falls for it again:( Best of luck and prayers.